In-Company Logistics

For a smooth process with the right logic.
Innerbetriebliche Logistik

Why is the in-company logistic important?

The object of internal logistics is the transport of goods within the plant, for example, from goods receipt to the warehouse, from the warehouse via each manufacturing cost center to final assembly and from final assembly to shipping.

By optimally aligning internal logistics, you can ensure the timely availability of the right supplier product and save time. At the same time, the costs are lower and the logistics are perfectly thought-out. Therefore, the provision of products within a company is crucial for the efficiency of the production.

Which tasks does FS Plus take over for you?

FS Plus takes care of the internal logistics for you and offers transport solutions specially tailored to your needs.

We supply your production with the necessary raw, auxiliary and operating materials as well as goods to ensure smooth processes. In addition, we take care of the internal collection, sorting and storage of residual materials such as swarfs, mixed scrap, oil-contaminated operating materials, old emulsions, etc. as part of our waste disposal management.

Furthermore, we take over the complete handling activities for your order processes for you. This also includes the management of full and empty containers, internal parcel logistics or internal postal services.

Benefit from our sound industry know-how and our integrated transport solutions. Put the internal logistics in our hands to ensure smooth processes in your production. We assure you more quality and more reliability.

Your benefits at a glance: